Leydig, Voit and Mayer provides comprehensive professional development and is dedicated to helping the firm’s attorneys and patent agents improve their skills.
Leydig strives to ensure that it is providing the highest quality work product. To this end, the firm is keenly interested in the development and progression of its associates and patent agents so that they become outstanding members of the state and/or patent bars. The firm’s philosophy is to provide “hands on” experience from the start of an associate or patent agent’s career. The work is carefully reviewed by more senior attorneys and constructive feedback is provided. Each new associate is also provided a mentor to facilitate the transition into the practice of law.
The firm runs an extensive training program where senior attorneys provide insights and tips to help navigate various aspects of the intellectual property practice. There are training programs for new associates, as well as a more advanced series of sessions for associates and patent agents with more experience with the firm. The training program typically involves over two dozen sessions, which are presented over the span of several months.
Leydig has a committee that is dedicated to helping the firm’s associates and patent agents improve their skills and develop professionally (the Professional Development Committee or “PDC”). The PDC also strives to enhance the morale and retention of associates and patent agents by encouraging and facilitating open communication with the PDC through one-on-one sessions and periodic group dinners.
The firm also provides monthly Continuing Legal Education luncheons or programs for all attorneys and patent agents where internal or outside speakers provide insights into various cutting edge topics of particular relevance to the practitioners in the firm.